On Saturday, we were invited by the ISU College of Human Sciences (Dena's alma mater) to a pre-game reception and the women's basketball game at Iowa State.
As soon as I got off the elevator in Scheman and was greeted by Dynette Mosher, the college alumni relations coordinator, I felt like I was back "home" again.
It was so nice to see familiar faces and be surrounded by red and gold.

Despite the Cyclones losing, it was a GREAT game.
Kaydi was all smiles trying to keep an eye out for Cy.
She didn't want to have her picture taken with him but she sure got excited every time she would spot him.

She was happy until the very end of the game...
Was this face about the Cyclones losing
or because Daddy spilled her popcorn?! I'll let you guess.
She was smiling again when she got to run around on the floor
with a balloon after the game with Kaden.
They were especially excited to see Coach Schaben!
One of Kaden's favorite parts of the game was seeing Coach Fennelly get a technical and Coach Schaben pushing him off the court. He had fun discussing it with her.
After the game, I ran into a friend that I haven't seen in years. Lora lived two floors above me in Maple Residence Hall and spotted me in the crowd as we were getting ready to leave. It was nice getting to say a quick hello to her.
Before leaving, we decided to check out the new Johnny Orr statue and that's when another friend from the past spotted me. I. could. not. believe. it! I was on the State 4-H Council with these friends, Troy and Beth. I have not seen them in quite some time either so it was nice catching up with them. Our state council days were AWESOME!!
When I got home I had an email from my cousin Kim that she was also at the game. Her daughter had performed in the half-time show. I'm thrilled I got to see the routine, but bummed I didn't get a chance to talk with them.