Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Gonna Miss This, Right??

A glimpse into my day...
7:45 - 3:30 Teach Preschool - HOPE & PRAY that I'm doing everything I can for these precious children.
3:30 - Hug Kaden & Kaydi good-bye and then run around like a crazy person trying to catch up on school work and get things ready for preschool registration.
Think - don't eat anything because the second you put something in your mouth a parent will walk in and you won't be able to greet them.
Wonder - should I go to the teacher meeting at 4:00, if I do parents will show up early for registration and I won't be there to greet them, decide to not attend.
4:30 - 6:30 Preschool Registration
6:30 - 7:30 Preschool Parent Advisory Committee
7:30 - Remember that I haven't filled out Kaydi's preschool forms.
Pick up classrooms, put registration materials away.
Debate whether or not to go to Walmart to buy a birthday gift needed for Friday and toilet paper.
Reply to school emails.
8:00 Leave Radcliffe, realize I need gas - head for Hubbard, still debating about Walmart.
Call a parent between Radcliffe & Hubbard. Get gas, realize I should eat something - get puppy chow and milk.
8:30 Start thinking of everything that needs to be done at home and decide Walmart will have to wait.
8:45 Arrive home and once again run around like a crazy person.
Remind Kylee to make sure clothes are clean for track pictures and music concert.
Hug Kaydi goodnight and read her a book.
Hug Kaden goodnight and he asks if I can charge his ipod.
Discuss concert attire with Kylee and try my best to ignore teenager attitude.
Wonder if she will wear what she agrees to.
Go to basement to wash her track jersey.
Run upstairs to Kaydi yelling for Mommy to kill the ladybug on her ceiling.
Find Chad and send him to do pest control.
Sit down for 2 minutes to read the latest James Patterson.
Wish, wish, wish to get out the foot massage gift that a parent gave me, but realize I'm to lazy to get it put together and have to many things to do.
Kaden comes back downstairs to have me read a Garfield comic and asks if he can go to Walmart with me before Friday to pick out the birthday gift. Smile and tell him, we'll try.
Check home email and wonder where the Netflix movie is that I misplaced.
Remember I need to fill out track picture order form.
Buzzer on washer goes off - proceed to wash Kylee's black pants & tank top for music concert.
Kaden (who should be in bed asleep by now) finds me to remind me to charge his ipod.
Fill out track picture form.
Charge Kaden's ipod.
Find Kaydi's library book that's due tomorrow and put in her backpack.
Realize I haven't ordered Kylee's confirmation invitations and have her help design them on the computer. Get one figured out and realize the shipping time will take too long or be too costly so start over with another company.
Remember that I didn't put a check in the picture order form, continue to do so and put it in Kylee's backpack hoping she finds it and remembers to turn it in.
Kylee complains she has no jeans that fit or are clean. (For the record, the majority of her jeans are clean - just not the one pair she wants to wear.)
Remember that she will have to pack tomorrow night for her weekend trip and hope that enough jeans that do fit her are clean and work with her cowboy boots.
Start thinking about Kylee's track shorts - realize they are in the laundry basket upstairs, proceed to wash them.
Find Netflix movie.
Brainstorm plan for a preschool art project for the benefit auction.
Wonder if Iowa Falls Walmart is open 24 hours?
Remember to pay a bill that I had forgotten for the past 2 days.
Realize I should go throw Kylee's jeans in the washer.
Go to bed at 12:25 and hope to stay awake to read for a few minutes and not think of everything I need to do tomorrow.

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