Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were You On That September Day?

I was teaching Kindergarten in the same room I still teach in.  We were in a teacher's meeting when the first plane hit.  As the morning went on, I remember other teachers coming in and telling me the news.  We all wanted to be in the office watching it on tv but knew we needed to stay in our classrooms.

Some things I will never forget...
*Praying and hoping that Kaden would not be born on that day,
that terrible day in history.  (He was born on the 24th.)
*The children that were born and never got to meet their fathers.
*The silence and the disbelief in the waiting room that afternoon at McFarland Clinic.  Everyone was glued to the televisions - it was one day that no one was in a hurry for their appointment.
*The innocence of my kindergartners and knowing what they would go home and see on tv.
*Their conversations in the days to follow.
*Watching television during 2 am feedings with Kaden in the weeks after his birth and hearing about terrorist cells in Spain and other European countries and thinking "I CAN NOT GO TO SPAIN.  I have to stay with my family."  (I was suppose to go with the high school spanish club the following summer.  I did not go, neither did most of the students.)
*Most importantly, those that died trying to save others
and those still fighting for our country.

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