Thursday, January 28, 2010
More Exciting Than A Birthday Or Christmas
It's true. The children were more excited today than almost any other day I can remember in the past year. Why you might ask? They got their bedrooms back! They have real beds to sleep on. (Well, except Kaydi, hers didn't arrive yet but she was just as giddy as Kylee and Kaden to be back in her room.) We've been sleeping in the basement on air mattresses for 172 days! Can you imagine? Last night I stood for the longest time watching them all sleep beside each other. Kylee and Kaden had been sleeping at one end of the family room on their air mattresses and Kaydi had been at the other end of the room in a play pen. She decided a couple nights ago that she was going to sleep in between them and made her own bed right there. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I didn't. They were so peaceful, together. We are truly blessed to have each other and so thankful to have beds and bedrooms. It really is the small things in life that matter. The small things might actually be the big things! Well, I'm off to try out my new bed and as Chad said, enjoy the incredible view out our bedroom window in the morning. Sweet Dreams - I know mine will be.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thank You Kaden
The conversation went something like this tonight as
Kaden walked into Kaydi's room...
Kaydi - "GO!" "OUT!"
as she pushed Kaden out of her room and closed the door.
Kaden then knocks and says "Please."
Kaydi then opens the door and says "NO WAY,"
shuts the door on him again and locks it.
At Christmas time we took the kids to Valley West Mall to ride the train. While in line waiting to purchase the tickets Kylee informs us that she's not riding it, so then Kaden says that he's not riding it if Kylee isn't. In the mean time, Kaydi is getting very excited. We told Kaden that Kaydi wasn't big enough to ride it yet by herself, so being the great big brother that he is, he rode it with her.
THANK YOU KADEN for being such a great brother!
Your sisters adore you,
even if they won't let you in their rooms!
P.S. Kylee couldn't resist riding the train after seeing
Kaden and Kaydi on it.
I'm glad "my little girl" is still there on occasion.
Monday, January 18, 2010
For My Teenager
Ky - I have so many wishes for you.
I want you to be safe, smart, cautious, and wise beyond your years.
You will always be my little girl. Please don't grow up too fast.
Get your feet wet with new experiences, but never get in over your head.
The Wildcats Beat The Peacocks! 68-82
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Last night I was FREEZING when I went to bed. I teased Chad that he needed to go get the hair dryer and thaw me out and he replied "your just getting wimpy in your old age." "Excuse me?" So I went to sleep, hoping that I wasn't getting sick. Both Chad and I FROZE the rest of the night and were too cold to get up and check the thermostat. This morning when we got up and checked, it was set on 60! Combine that with being in the basement - FREEZING! So later in the day I asked Kylee if she changed it (she is always cold and never changes it but I thought I would ask). She replied, "yes, you told me to last night." I then remembered that I had asked her to "turn the temperature down on the stove" or something like that referring to the ground beef I was browning while also running around the house doing laundry, ironing, checking email/mail, etc. When I returned to the kitchen a little later, Kylee had told me that she had turned the stove off since the meat was making a crackling sound. Mystery Solved - I now know why the house was freezing and the meat was burnt - she must have only heard "turn the temperature down".
Monday, January 11, 2010
Knitting Compared To Golfing
So Kylee and I went to our knitting class tonight. Kylee loves to sew/craft/make and knitting is on my list of 40 things to try/learn/do before I'm 40. (more on that another day and for those wondering, I have 2 years and 3 months) I think the comment Kylee made on the way home sums up how it went...
Kylee-"I think knitting must be a lot like golfing is for Dad,
but just not as dangerous."
Dena - "What do you mean?"
Kylee-"Throwing knitting needles isn't as vicious
as throwing golf clubs."
Anyway, it was a great experience for me as a student - an excellent reminder to me as a teacher that some learn things quicker/easier than others. So even though I didn't do so well at the knitting it was a evening of learning.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
You Told Your Teacher What???
Kaden happened to mention in conversation this weekend that his teacher asked him what his dad likes and he said, "Smirnoff Ice"! WHAT?? Chad and I about died. Chad does like it, but only has it about twice a year - occasionally after a long day farming on a hot summer day and on our annual trip to Leech Lake - when we finally put our feet up and relax. Oh Kaden, we are never sure what you are going to say but we still love you!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Monster Jam 2010

Friday evening Chad and Kaden and friends enjoyed going to Monster Jam in Des Moines. Unfortunately, the camera was forgotten so these pictures are from 2008 when Uncle Kelly took Kaden to it.
Grave Digger, Kaden's favorite, was there both times.

Monday, January 4, 2010
Our Prima Ballerina
The Voracious Reader
After the awards program, Chad stayed and read one of his favorite Christmas books - The Night Before Christmas in Texas to Kaden's class. I'm pretty sure they both enjoyed this!
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