Thursday, January 28, 2010

More Exciting Than A Birthday Or Christmas

It's true. The children were more excited today than almost any other day I can remember in the past year. Why you might ask? They got their bedrooms back! They have real beds to sleep on. (Well, except Kaydi, hers didn't arrive yet but she was just as giddy as Kylee and Kaden to be back in her room.) We've been sleeping in the basement on air mattresses for 172 days! Can you imagine? Last night I stood for the longest time watching them all sleep beside each other. Kylee and Kaden had been sleeping at one end of the family room on their air mattresses and Kaydi had been at the other end of the room in a play pen. She decided a couple nights ago that she was going to sleep in between them and made her own bed right there. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I didn't. They were so peaceful, together. We are truly blessed to have each other and so thankful to have beds and bedrooms. It really is the small things in life that matter. The small things might actually be the big things! Well, I'm off to try out my new bed and as Chad said, enjoy the incredible view out our bedroom window in the morning. Sweet Dreams - I know mine will be.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels wonderful to get back to "normal" at your house!
